Dr. José Lorenzo
Pioneer in Spain FUE technique
Jose Lorenzo , MD @ injertocapilar.com
With Dr. Bruno Ferreira @ Clínica Medilor, Spain
Dr.José Lorenzo graduated from Madrid´s Complutense University in 1991. He completed his specialization in General Surgery and Thoracic Surgery at the Carlos G. Duran General Hospital (UBA, Bs. As.), a specialized area in which he worked until he began in hair restoration in 2002.
In 2003 he observed the first hair transplants by FUE during a trip to the DHI clinic in Athens,one year after FUE was first described by Dr. Rassman and Dr. Bernstein (Rassman, W.T., and R. M. Bernstein. Follicular unit extraction: minimally invasive surgery for hair transplantation. Dermatological Surg. 2002; 720 – 728). Impressed by the skill required and the potential of a minimally invasive technique which offered a natural solution, he decided to put all his energy into learning and developing the method which was then in its infancy
Dr. Lorenzo is a pioneer in Spain in the development of the FUE technique, first as Chief Surgeon at the Ceta Clinic and afterwards at his own clinic, Medilor (2008), in the city of Alcobendas, Madrid. He has performed studies to develop the technique, just like other pioneers such as Dr. Cole, Dr. Woods, Dr. Jones, Dr. Feller or DHI, did in the early years of FUE.
He has been a member of the ISHRS(International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery) since 2006 after attending the congress held in San Diego (US). At the congress in Las Vegas in 2007, he made his first presentation which was based on the anchoring system which connects the follicular units to the surrounding tissues and its application in the FUE technique (“Skill vs. Tools”). Since then he has actively participated in all of the annual congresses with talks, videos, debates, live procedure presentations (Patient Live View), Workshop Faculty and Director, Expert Faculty during Breakfast or Coffee, Restore Operation (ISHRS Foundation) etc…
He was invited for the first time to operate live at the 1st Mediterranean Workshop, in Israel, by Dr. Ginzburg, in 2009. He is currently a habitual guest at live operations at the numerous workshops on FUE throughout the world (Orlando, Seoul, Manchester, Bangalore, Brussels, Sao Paolo etc…)
He organized his own workshop in Madrid with Dr. Ginzburg at the 2nd Mediterranean FUE Workshop in May of 2013. Present at this workshop were Dr. Harris, Dr. Feriduni, Dr. Devroye y Dr. Erdogan; In total there were 130 attendees with 10 procedures being performed and 9.361 follicular units transplanted in 3 days.
In the development of his particular technique of implanting, Dr. Lorenzo emphasizes the use of a tool which he considers fundamental for the results he obtains: the Implanter. In 2009 he collaborated with the Korean company Hans Biomed in the design and production of what is now considered to be the best implanter: the Lion Implanter. Lion Implanter.
Along with Hasson & Wong Dr. Lorenzo also does pioneering work in presenting on the internet videos of the results of his transplants, substituting the usual photographs which can be easily manipulated. His page in youtube, contains more than 600 videos of hair transplant results.
In 2008 he opened InjertoCapilar Argentina in Buenos Aires with his resident study colleague, Dr. Alejandro Chueco. He has been working together with Dr. Ximena Vila in Medilor since 2009. InjertoCapilar, Manchester commences in 2013 in collaboration with Dr. Farjo
He is a member of the FUE Research Committee of the ISHRS since its creation in 2012, which is tasked by the international society for the investigation and development of the FUE technique. He also chairs the subcomité for the standardization of the terminology used in FUE, due for completion in September 2013. On numerous occasions Dr. Lorenzo has collaborated with the journal “International Hair Transplant Forum” with various articles about the FUE technique. He has also written several chapters in two books based on hair transplants (“Hair Transplantation” by Dr. Sungjoo Tommy Hwang and “Hair Transplant 720” by Dr. Sam Lam).